Click on your desired arrival and departure date.

Select your desired period of stay.


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Your booking

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您想直接預訂這個美麗的地點嗎? Catharinenburg 正是您正在尋找的地方嗎?或者您想直接預訂嗎?那是可能的!請在預訂時提供以下資訊: 人數(包括兒童) 人員年齡 希望預訂的額外服務 任何願望或意見


在高爾夫術語中,柏忌是指比標準桿多一桿。舒適的房間有浴缸。雙人臥室配有適合您的衣服的家具,一張大雙人床,您可以透過小窗戶... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 3 Persons
36 Square meter.

在高爾夫術語中,老鷹低於標準桿兩桿。整潔的客房配有 2.10 公尺彈簧床、智慧電視、冰箱、奈斯派索咖啡機、水壺和茶。 Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 2 Persons
16 Square meter.


在高爾夫術語中,高於標準桿三桿。這是一間漂亮的房間,配有浴室、加大雙人床和智慧電視,可欣賞馬匹的美景。把頭枕在枕頭上看日... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 3 Persons
21 Square meter.

前鋒!家庭綠洲陽台房 4

“前!”是高爾夫中的一種警告叫聲,用來警告其他人有一個球可能會危險地接近他們。這是一間帶陽台並享有馬景的客房。這間 4 人臥... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 4 Persons
40 Square meter.


高爾夫球中的「標準桿」是指經驗豐富的高爾夫球手完成一洞所需的擊球次數,包括到達果嶺的擊球次數和兩次推桿。它是衡量球洞難度... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 2 Persons
16 Square meter.

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