Click on your desired arrival and departure date.

Select your desired period of stay.

私たちのB&Bに滞在していますか?滞在中にゴルフ パッケージやボブ バイクを事前にご予約ください。

00-00-0000 00-00-0000

Your booking

00-00-0000 00-00-0000

この美しい場所を直接予約しますか? Catharinenburg はまさにあなたが探している場所で、空室状況に興味がありますか?それとも直接予約しますか?それは可能です!ご予約の際は、以下の情報をご入力ください: 子供を含む人数 ご年齢 予約希望の追加事項 ご要望やご意見がございましたら


ボギーとは、ゴルフ用語でパーより1打多いことを指します。バス付きの快適なお部屋です。ダブルベッドルームには衣類用の家具、... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 3 Persons
36 Square meter.


イーグルはゴルフ用語で2打アンダーパー。 2.10メートルのボックススプリング、スマートテレビ、冷蔵庫、ネスプレッソマシン、ケ... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 2 Persons
16 Square meter.


ゴルフ用語でパーを3打上回る。バスルーム、キングサイズベッド、スマートテレビが備わった美しい部屋で、馬の素晴らしい景色を... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 3 Persons
21 Square meter.

フォア!バルコニー ファミリー オアシス ルーム 4

「フォア!」ゴルフにおいて、ボールが危険なほど近づいてくることを他の人に警告するために叫ばれる警告の叫び声です。馬の景色... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 4 Persons
40 Square meter.


ゴルフの**パー**とは、経験豊富なゴルファーがホールを完了するために必要なストローク数であり、これにはグリーンに到達するま... Read more..

Unfortunately, this accommodation is sold out. No prices found for this period, please try another date. Available:
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• Arrival not allowed for this day.
• Departure not allowed for this day.
• A minimum length of stay applies (?? nights)
• A maximum length of stay applies (?? nights)

Tourist tax will be calculated based on the number of guests in the next step.

Arrival between 13.00 - 23.59
Departure until 11.00
Max. 2 Persons
16 Square meter.

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